Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Tiny Terrors Day 8: Leprechaun 3 and Leprechaun 4

Hello everyone, welcome back to Tiny Terrors. For those tuning in, we are on Day 8. We have managed to pass the halfway mark of this series now. I would say that is a pretty big feat. 

Today, let's take a look at Leprechaun 3 and 4. Shall we?

Leprechaun 3 was the first installment of the Leprechaun franchise to be released straight to video. It was released in 1995. At this point in time, Leprechaun was doing very well. People had enjoyed the first two films. And Warwick Davis was a much bigger name as well. 

The Leprechaun arrives at a Las Vegas pawn shop after having been turned into a statue via a medallion. The pawn shop owner removes the medallion freeing the Leprechaun. He's quick to express his 'gratitude' by way of axe. The Leprechaun then sets out on the town. He's seeking out a gold wish coin that was taken from him. It's been passing from person to person. A college boy, Scott, is caught up in all of this along with his girlfriend, Tammy. 

Okay. So I remember when this was released asking my Dad if could rent it on pay per view. He just said sure. But I can remember he didn't watch it with me. However, upon this rewatch - it had me wondering what was my Dad thinking. 

I know I ragged on Leprechaun 2 a little bit. It was a bit slow paced. It felt corny. It felt like a quick script over. Which yes, there was all that. 

This film however felt fast paced. It didn't lag really. Warwick Davis was able to fully embrace and go balls to the wall crazy with his performance. And he does so with a smile on his face. I mean, come on. This is probably my favorite performance in the franchise. 

The fun thing about this film is that we had Caroline Williams from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. It was fun seeing her in this. She plays a magician assistant, if I recall correctly. She just has a harsh view on how she looks. Which doesn't help that the Magician is a total douchebag. So, I would consider her death to be the big one of the film. It's definitely the most memorable and the biggest standout. She just wanted to look nice. That was her wish. However, Leprechaun twists like Wishmaster would do kills her by exploding her. 

It's interesting this film. I've seen it a few times. However when it comes to the acting, it's clear that outside of the Leprechaun is a bit of window dressing if you will. These are Warwick's films. So, yeah...outside of him and Caroline there wasn't much more memorable in terms of performances. 

I feel like covering that big death. Everything else seemed a bit less. Like this one was the big standout and everything else was like eh.

Overall, this is a fun film. It's a bit of a popcorn horror film. I would say that this franchise fits that category. It's a nice watch whenever need something to just throw on. 

Rating: 3 out of 5. 


Further we go into the Leprechaun franchise. Let's go into Leprechaun 4.

So, they needed to shake things up. Leprechaun had gone to the country side in the first film. Then he went to Las Vegas in the last film. Where else could he go next?

At this point, I honestly feel like they had the white board from Cabin In The Woods and were throwing darts at it. Like, oh we did Vegas. Now we gotta do Space. Or people like Alien - so let's do a film like Alien but instead put the Leprechaun in it.

Joking aside, how does this film fare? 

This film is hugely disappointing. It's just an abomination of a film. It's a stupid concept. I understand that this potentially could be a hot take. And I apologize if I may offend. But it's a stupid concept. 

This could have been a quick cash grab for a film. That honestly would explain things so much. But okay, I'm gonna try and sum things up.

On a distant planet in the hear 2096, the Leprechaun has been courting a Princess. (Massive respect here, we have our guy finally finding a girl. Good for him.) However, both of them are planning to try to kill the other to consummate their marriage. 

Space Marines (cause we gotta have those. It's not space without them) arrive. One of them attempts to steal gold..but killed by a Leprechaun lightsaber (oh my goodness). The Leprechaun is killed by a grenade. However, his spirit hides in one of the marine's penis and poses as gonorrhea. I kid you not. This is what happens. How artsy of them. 

Marines return to the spaceship with the Princess. The Cyborg Captain sees the Princess blood has regenerative abilities and yeah, he's like I gotta get me that. The Leprechaun explodes out the marine's penis during a scene with a female marine after the marine is aroused. (Viagra get that shit outta here. Ya need more green.)

Marines hunt on the ship while Leprechaun outsmarts them. Shit happens and goes down. The Cyborg Pilot turns into a scorpion spider hybrid at one point. Oh my goodness.

The Princess literally distracts the Marines at one point by flashing them. Should I keep going? Okay, well the Leprechaun ends up exploding on the main ship while a pair of Marines escape in a pod..they witness the Leprechaun's giant hand flipping them off.


That's basically what happens in this film. At this point, I will say that this is a poor film. It's very balls to the wall in slapstick. It feels like a parody of scifi movies and the Leprechaun movies. They certainly crossed the line with their cheesiness. Outside of the exploding penis, there wasn't many memorable deaths. And outside of Warwick, there wasn't many memorable acting performances. 

Rating: 2 out of 5. At this point, this felt like a jump the shark moment with the franchise. It's easy to see the ship starting to sink. 

Come back on Friday for more goodness here at The Blue!

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