Wednesday, August 25, 2021

31 on 31 For Halloween Day 3: Spookies

Welcome to Day 3 of our 31 on 31 for Halloween. It's been interesting so far. There will be quite a few first time watches in this lineup. 

Now, we come to Spookies. It was released in 1988 after having tons of behind the scenes issues. It's been even documented on the blu ray of the film. I mean the film was cobbled together from two different films from two different directors. It's amazing how this could have happened. 

I watched The Last Drive-In version of the film on Shudder. I wanted the whole experience with this first time viewing. And it was an experience.

The first thing that I applaud are the opening credits music. Typically, the credits music tends to not stand out so much. However, this music reminded me of Night of the Demons. And it just filled me with that Halloween season nostalgia. 

As the film went on, I got to witness how much of a creative trainwreck this film is. There's a guy underneath a crypt that's trying to bring back his beloved. Okay, I can understand that. Though his acting is far below any average you could expect. Next up, we have a kid named Billy. It's his 13th birthday. He's out and about after running away from home cause he thought everybody forgot his birthday. Billy meets some creepy guy in the woods that asks for a light. Then, he comes across the house or crypt to find it is filled with birthday party stuff. What's the first thing Billy thinks? Oh, boy they did remember my birthday after all. What?!? 

Then we are introduced to our main group of characters. There's Duke and...Duke....and umm...Duke and the puppet man. Honestly I don't know names for the characters. It wasn't really well developed and said what their names are. However, one of them looks like he's 45 and is with an 18 year old. It's so beyond weird.

The whole film is a massive drug trip of a movie. Almost as if they had a whole edible or series of edibles when making this film. It just continuously left me just thinking WTF!!! 

I have never felt this way about a film before. It is mind-blowing. I cannot tell you what the plot of it is. Because there really is no plot to the film. It's just characters going around and then random monsters. Maybe that's part of the charm of the film. 

This is one that I don't know if I'll ever understand. But somehow it managed to get a cult following. 

It's worth checking it out to see what it is. Not sure if you'll get much out of it. But if you do, let me know. 

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Spookies can be seen on Shudder as well as purchased from Amazon.

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