Monday, August 23, 2021

31 on 31 for Halloween Day 2: Jakob's Wife

When I had first heard about this film, I was a bit of a skeptic. Another new vampire movie. It seems like we get them a lot now. I mean we even just got Blood Red Sky from Netflix. However, the thing that sold me on this film - Barbara Crampton. 
I have been a fan of Barbara's for awhile. I took a look at the movies that she's been in and I was very surprised at some of them. Robot Wars and Evolver being high up there. The reason being both of those were ones that I remember going to the video store and seeing their awesome covers on the shelves. It kinda hit me with that feeling of nostalgia that can't get anymore as rental stores have gone. 

It was Barbara's powerful performance in You're Next that drew me back in. That film is such a tour de force. Even after ten years, it holds up so well. And the one thing that hits me every time with that film is Barbara's performance. 

And there was Beyond the Gates. That was a small film that I watched first. But didn't hit with me right away. I did end up finding on DVD. That was when it finally clicked. 

But to say Jakob's Wife is just another vampire film. That's selling it very short. And each time I go to my local Walmart, I find that it's sold out every time. That shows just how great of a film it is.

Spending her days on cooking, housekeeping, and gardening, Anne, the dutiful, obedient, and supportive suburban wife to local pastor and pillar of the community, Jakob Fedder, realises that decades of passionless marriage have taken a toll on their relationship. Trapped in an uneventful existence, suddenly, Anne finds her world turned upside down when her old flame, Tom Low, drives into town, eager to pick up where they left off. 

Now, against the backdrop of unaccountable disappearances and an inexplicable rat infestation, temptation takes over, and Anne starts to build self-confidence, a whole new attitude, and her dream wardrobe. What is wrong with Jakob's wife?

Jakob's Wife was written by Kathy Charles and Mark Steensland and directed by Travis Stevens (who also co-wrote the film). 

Barbara Crampton delivers a phenomenal performance in this film. The journey she goes on is incredible. Starting off the film, Anne starts as someone that's been going through the motions. Day to day, she lives to serve her husband, Jakob (Larry Fessenden). Almost as if it was a blink and you'll miss your life moment. Which that idea is so very terrifying to me. The thing that sold it to me was when she met with Tom Low (the great Robert Rustler), there was a moment where could see how Anne was trapped..she so very much wanted to see Tom Low and spend intimate time with him. But her commitment was to her husband. 
But once the change hits, Anne becomes more assertive and confident in herself. And she cannot help herself with her new found urge.

Larry Fessenden is fantastic as Jakob. He's the town minister that is caught up in his job. He has taken his wife granted for so long. Or maybe they are just too comfortable with each other. To the point, where they going through the motions. However, adjusting to Anne's transformation has made him realize how much he loves his wife. And to what ends he will go to save his wife.

Bonnie Aarons plays The Master. This is the creature that helped transform Anne. It's not very in your face performance. They keep an air of mystery to the character. And that's fantastic. In the first moments, we see long fingers with claws. It's clearly Nosferatu inspired. And to me, that's very refreshing and a nice callback to old. Now, in case you were wondering, Bonnie Aarons played The Nun. Here, she delivers another fantastic performance.

Now, I could dive deeper into the film. However, I do not wish to spoil it. This is a great film. It is a breath of fresh air to the typical vampire film. It moves very quickly and before I knew it, it was over. It didn't overstay its welcome. It had me wishing for more. 

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Jakob's Wife is from RLJE Films. It's available on digital, DVD, Blu Ray and on Shudder.

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