Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Tax Collector - 9/8/22


Welcome back, here we are with our third new review. I hope that everyone’s been enjoying things so far. If you’ve been tuning in, you may have noticed that I’m adding a bit more variety to what’s being covered. Our main focus will be horror, but if I only covered one thing it may be a little boring right? That is one of the reasons why I decided to start having more variety during the small break that I had. 

Typically for Father’s Day, my family gets me a t-shirt and a movie. My first Father’s Day is one that I’ll never forget. I received a Batman shirt with the movie Zoombies. (As of right now, I’m not entirely sure if I covered Zoombies here on the blog yet. If I haven’t, maybe I will - if enough people ask for it. So if you want to see me cover Zoombies, let me know on Twitter or Leave a Comment Below.) This year’s gifts were a Funko Pennywise Popper and a movie - The Tax Collector. My son’s reasoning was that the cover looked like a horror movie. So it’d be scary. And Dad likes scary movies. 

The other day, I had the pleasure of finally sitting down to watch it. The Tax Collector is a simple story - A "tax collector" working for a local crime lord finds his family's safety compromised when the rival of his boss shows up in L.A. and upends the business. It stars Bobby Soto, Cinthyia Carmona and Shia LaBeouf. There is even an appearance from George Lopez. 

At first, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the film. I knew that at some point Bobby Soto’s family would be in danger. So going in, my brain was like ‘Okay, this will be like The Punisher.’. However, I wasn’t prepared for the film to have so much heart to it. It spends a good amount of time showing Bobby Sato’s family life. It allows us to feel for them. And then when things hit the fan, they sure do hit the fan. In one moment, the bullets began flying and caught me off guard. I honestly wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. 

There is a good amount of action in the film. It just takes a little bit to get there. I did find myself questioning whether or not to turn it off. But that was because I was a little impatient. I was expecting guns to the wall action from the very beginning. And honestly going in with that mindset, it does the film a disservice. But it does deliver when it gets there.

All the actors and actresses do a solid job in the film. Yes, even Shia LaBeouf. I haven’t seen anything with Shia LaBeouf since Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon. I like him as an actor. I like him in the Transformers movies. However, he does have some range. It is just unfortunate that some of his decisions have affected his acting. Bobby Soto was someone that I hadn’t seen before. After seeing his performance in this, I am 100% on board with seeing other things with him in it. And then there’s George Lopez. Honestly, I couldn’t put it past me that it was George Lopez. He tries to be a little harder edged. But my brain was like “Ha, George Lopez.”. 

The thing that absolutely hit me the most was when the credits started rolling. This was a David Ayer film. As soon as I knew that, everything clicked. Yeah, there’s a good chunk of action. But it takes its time and has some heart. And that’s because it’s a David Ayer film. So if David Ayer isn’t your thing, then this won’t be for you. However, if you do like David Ayer, give this a shot. Or go in with an open mind. It’s an interesting film that left me thinking bout some of the things that happened as well as wanting to know where it could go next. Though, chances of this getting a sequel is a bit slim. The nice thing is if you pay attention to other Ayer films, you’ll notice some smaller characters. 

Overall, The Tax Collector was a bit of a surprise. I am so grateful that it was a Father’s Day gift. It makes me smile knowing that my son has an idea of what kind of films I’ll enjoy. It’s definitely better than Zoombies. And it may be one that I’ll return to at some point. 

Rating: 3.25 out of 5. 

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