Monday, September 12, 2022

Bonus Review: DASHCAM (2021)

Hello everyone and welcome back, I love when movies have the same titles. It's then a random game of chance sometimes when you are trying to find them. Which one are you going to find? If you don't put a lot of thought into it, the one your not looking for. 

This is exactly what happened to me when I was looking for Dashcam (2022). I started the film and the title came on and said Dashcam. Cool. Then I sat and watched the story begin to unfold. Huh, not much mention of pandemic exactly. Oh well, it probably not a big deal. But then I stopped for a minute and remembered that Rob Savage directed Dashcam (2022). I looked at the credits again and this was directed by Christian Nilsson. It also featured Larry Fessenden. 
It turns out that there was a film called Dashcam that was released in 2021. 

Now at this point, I could have said okay and turned it off. However, this was an extremely interesting rabbit hole I was finding myself in. The synopsis for Dashcam (2021) is as follows: A psychological thriller following Jake, a reclusive news editor, who is inadvertently sent secret dashcam video evidence that points to a possible conspiracy and cover-up involving high-ranking government officials.

Just like Jake found himself in this journey, I found myself deep into this rabbit hole as well. I had already became hooked into the story. I liked the characters. Each and every cast member delivers a solid performance. I loved the way the film is told. It's very much in the found footage feel that Host had inspired. So, I continued as Jake continued. This is an experience that I honestly can say I've never had with a film before. It allowed me to connect in a whole new way. 

The story is great. It has a lot of political overtones with side of government conspiracy. So it just turns the amount of tension through the roof. As the film continued, I found myself becoming more unnerved with everything as well. Whenever there was a creak or a sound outside the door, I found myself holding my own breath. It's just such an effective film. 

With one small mistake, I found something that I would not change for the world. It allowed me to see this film in such a unique way. And it probably helped a lot. 

Would I recommend checking this out? If you are searching for a good thriller, I would definitely. It's just something won't return to for multiple viewings probably. But do go in completely blind. 

Rating: 3.25 out of 5. (Solid memorable experience.).

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