Thursday, May 12, 2022

Fresh (2022)

When I first began hearing about Fresh, it was with that initial trailer. It immediately stood out amongst all the other horror trailers that had been seeing at the time. It was just something unique, something off the cuff. It was an injection of something fresh into the genre. 

When it had ended, I immediately thought it felt a little familiar to Netflix's hit show, You. In fact, I thought that was pretty much exactly how it would play out. I mean Sebastian Stan comes across very Joe-like in the glimpses we received in the trailer. He was very kind and nailed the nice guy portrayal. 

However, I am so glad that I went into the film expecting one experience. It allowed Fresh to come out of left field and blind side with an incredible twist I never saw coming. My partner watched this with me. They had heard about the film on one of their podcasts that they listen to. So their experience was interesting because they got to see my reaction to everything. 

This is a very small film. It's not big and over the top. Well, it is but it isn't. When you watch the film, you'll understand what I mean about that. For the most part, this is a film that wouldn't feel out of place in Blumhouse's Into The Dark. 

The performances in the film are incredible. Every one of the actors and actresses bring something to the table. It results in a film that feels so unpredictable. One could say that it represents a descent into madness or maybe one character's perspective. 

I wasn't exactly sure what it would be like when I went into it. I knew that Iiked Netflix's You and this could be a little like that. However, this is a film that is so much more than that. It manages to carve itself a little niche that can stand out. As of right now, it is absolutely safe to say that Fresh is among my Top 10 of 2022 so far. And honestly, I hope we can get a sequel set in the world that is established as there could be some different ways to take it.

If you haven't seen it yet, go check it out. It's available to catch on Hulu. 

Rating: 4.25 out of 5.

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