Thursday, April 28, 2022

Cold Wind Blowing (2022)

Welcome Back. I do want to say apologies for this being a bit late to the game with its review. If this all sounds good to you and you're interested, you can get the film now over on Amazon or your digital provider of choice.  

Cold Wind Blowing highlights a brother and sister and their four 
friends who go on Christmas vacation in the Cypress Hills. As old hurts 
begin to surface between the intimate circle of friends, a shocking event 
further illuminates their fracturing relationships

When I first started the film, I wasn't sure what I was going into.  I knew it involved a brother and sister with their friends in a cabin over Christmas break. Within the first few seconds, the tone was brilliantly set. It immediately grabbed my attention and refused to let go. 

The more I sat and watched it, the more it felt like a call back to another horror gem, Evil Dead. Now you won't find any deadites or such.  But I just mean it felt like a guerilla style film making experience with a group of people.  Making a movie with some friends. Sometimes those are the best kinds of movies. 

I'm not going to dive into the specifics because it's something that should be experienced. But one of the strongest points are the characters and their interactions with one another. This is something that is highlighted a bit early as they interact with the townsfolk.  One group gets a bit of a joke played on them and the other is treated pretty nicely. 

The film moves at a pretty brisk pace as well. It never felt like it was lagging or doing something to kill the time. 

Honestly this was a nice little horror gem that would love to see others check out.

Rating: 4 out of 5. 

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