Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A Trip Back in Time: Timecrimes (2007)


    Hello everyone, I've returned from a trip into the Tubi-Zone. I had seen some recommendations for the movie, Timescrimes, over the last couple days. With all of these seemingly coming out of the blue, I decided that maybe I should check out it out. I hadn't checked out what the film was about. The only thing that I knew was that it had involved time travel of some sort. And honestly, what did I just watch? 

    Timecrimes is a Spanish film that follows A man accidentally gets into a time machine and travels back in time nearly an hour. Finding himself will be the first of a series of disasters of unforeseeable consequences. With that synopsis, it really still doesn't fully explain what the film is about. This is the first time that I've seen a Science Fiction concept such as time travel play such a vital role to the plot. I honestly was completely surprised at the directions the story would go. At first, I thought that maybe this would be more of a horror film. However, I don't really see it as one. It leans too hard into the science fiction realm than anything else. 

    It is an interesting concept though. One that while presenting such a 'linear' approach, it actually is more layered than that. The more I uncovered, the more things began to take a turn. It's something that I'm not sure if fully dug or not. I appreciate what they were trying to do though. It has such a 'science base' that it made me trying to figure out what exactly the different ways it could go were. It's like Groundhog Day on crack. 

    The cast in this film all do a commendable job. They really had a hard job of making the film enjoyable. With how many different twists happen in the film, they had to make things very grounded. And I say that for the most part, they were able to deliver. Karra Elejalde has the hardest job in the film. He plays Hector. But with all of the time travelling, you get to see many facets to this character. 

    I don't know if there's any more I can say about Timecrimes. It's a film that needs to be seen to fully understand. And even if you make it that far, you'll spend some time thinking more on it. I know I tried a lot to figure out the ins and outs of what was going on. Eventually, I just gave up on that as it was a bit of a lost cause. Would I watch it again? I honestly don't know if I'd see myself revisiting it. It is worth the initial watch though. 

Rating: 2.5 out of 5. 

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