Monday, October 18, 2021

Terror Chart: The First 95 (Part I)


Hello everyone, this week we had our one hundredth post. It was originally going to be the review for Halloween Kills. But because that was a bit of a difficult one to write, it was the interview with (Danishka Esterhazy) about Slumber Party Massacre '21. To celebrate and commemorate getting to one hundred posts, I wanted to do something a little more personal for the blog. Something to help people get to know me a little better. There may be a more personal discussion coming up for those that are interested. However, a friend over at the Essential Scares Podcast mentioned that I should do a ranking of all the films I have covered so far. A no hold barred cage match pitting each one against each other. It doesn't matter the genre. Anything is fair game. The majority of these will be horror but there's one or two entries that are in the superhero genre. Welcome to Terror Chart, a collective ranking of the first 95 films. 

There were quite a few films that I covered here. So to make things a little easier, I will be splitting this up into a two day event. In this first part, I will be covering forty-five films. 

95 - Return of the Living Dead Part II

This very much felt like a retread of the original. Reusing actors from the original in new roles felt lazy. Ultimately this was a massive pass. 

94 - Slumber Party Massacre Part II

What is there to say about Part II? It feels like it's trying to capitalize on Nightmare on Elm Street with the dream driller killer. But it's just a hodge podge of a mess. It's very loosely connected to the original. If it weren't for the one character, it'd be a sequel in name only. 

93 - Halloween Resurrection

Trick or Treat, Mutha...this is the worst sequel in the franchise. It was very much a cash grab that fails in a lot of ways. The worst point being the opening to the film casually throwing away Laurie Strode like she's yesterday trash. 

92 - Leprechaun 4: In Space

What else can I say besides the Leprechaun is resurrected by penis-bursting from a space marine? 

91 - Halloween 5

This film is a parody of the Halloween formula. However, the biggest offenders are Tina and the two bumbling police. Plus, Rachel is fridged in order to further Jamie's story. And Loomis is a bit wackadoo and out of character.

90 - Don't Breathe 2

Hey look, Lights Out made the list. Oh this just in - turns out it's just Don't Breathe 2. This one was a downer. I was hoping that it was going to be really good. But instead we are treated to The Blind Man as a protector in a bit of a shallow action film. 

89 - Puppet Master: Axis of Evil

Axis of Evil could have been decent. Instead the franchise begins to show it's strings as we are treated to a Puppet vs Nazi/Japanese showdown. It's a bit anti-climactic as it ends just as the story really begins to take off. It results in a sad feeling knowing that the next two installments didn't go anywhere. 

88 - Nightmare On Elm Street ('10)

This is a film that stumbled. It could have been a solid new take on the well known story. But they decided to double down on the fact that Freddy did commit those heinous crimes. What if he was an innocent man that was falsely accused and punished by the parents of Springwood? Who knows what could have been.

87 - Leprechaun 2

Bit forgettable in terms of story and characters. However the one memorable thing is the lawn mower death. 

86 - Leprechaun In The Hood

Had to go somewhere after Space - why not try it in a different setting? Resulted in the Leprechaun hunting after his magic flute. Oh and Ice T was an interesting addition to the franchise.

85 - The Exorcist ('73)

This will be a hot take having this here. However, expectations set up this film to be much more than it turned out to be. It's a bit sad as I really did want to like this much more than I did. 

84 - Leprechaun Origins

This was a refreshing take on Leprechaun. It did something different. It was a much more grounded take. Plus we were introduced to the Leprechaun's cousin, Jeffrey. 

83 - Leprechaun 3

Leprechaun Takes Vegas! It's a film that has a fun idea. Leprechaun's gold coins makes wishes come true. It's a pretty decent flick. Plus we get Caroline Williams from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 delivering a fun performance. 

82 - House of 1000 Corpses

Rob Zombie's directorial debut. After many years, this was a fun one to revisit. Especially because had the chance to see where the original three (Otis, Spaulding and Baby) started. 

81 - Halloween II ('81)

Since my original review of this, I have come to understand better why people love it the way that they do. For me, it doesn't work all that well. Probably the largest thing against it is it's lack of characters in the film. All the hospital staff just feel bland. 

80 - Slumber Party Massacre ('82)

This is a simple film. It emulates the original Halloween in a very good way. Albeit in a very parody way. It's a lot of fun. Much better than the sequel that followed it. 

79 - Child's Play ('88)

This is the one that started the franchise. Growing up, I loved this installment. However with time, I came to realize that a lot of the reasons why I loved the original was actually for Child's Play 2. For some reason, my mind mish mashed both installments into one film.

78 - Halloween H20

Halloween does SCREAM. That's essentially what this installment comes down to. Yeah, it gets credit because it brought Jamie Lee Curtis back to the fold. But overall, it's a very by the numbers slasher. Plus, who couldn't forget all the issues with the SCREAM music and different masks used for Michael?

77 - Willy's Wonderland

Nicolas Cage stars in Five Nights At Freddy's. That's essentially what it boils down to. However there are many layers to the film. The animatronics have a pretty great reason for doing what they do. As well as the variety of the animatronics. The townspeople don't see any other option besides trying to sacrifice newcomers to the town. Plus we got Nic Cage being awesome and weird. 

76 - Slice

This was a fun horror noir. It is very much a popcorn flick. And it isn't afraid to just be fun.

75 - Seed of Chucky

This is the entry that originally shelved the franchise. However over time, it's managing to find it's due. It was definitely ahead of it's time in terms of representation. Even if it was just maybe a too meta for its own good.

74 - Safer at Home

This was an interesting zoom horror flick. It kept me tuned in to see what happens to the characters and care for them. Plus it wasn't just stuck in one location like other found footage flicks usually are. It did hit home really well giving an eerie look at the pandemic we have just been through.

73 - Cult of Chucky

One Flew Over The Chucky's Nest. This one broke new ground. It literally breaks all the foundation of what this franchise was. It makes it a lot of fun. But it also makes it feel a bit unstable at times. 

72 - Freddy Vs. Jason

This was something that was talked about for so long. There were a lot of expectations for sure. But it delivered on the blood and the showdown. Plus it gave us a greatest hits for each slasher. Downside: Freddy pinball.

71 - My Soul To Take

This is an underrated gem from Wes Craven. Lot of people were expecting more from it. But it is still a very fun slasher.

70 - The Conjuring: Devil Made Me Do It

This wasn't as bad as people were saying. It was fun. It was a nice addition because it does something different. It's not strictly ghosts n creepy dolls in the Conjuringverse anymore. 

69 - The Curse of Michael Myers: Producer's Cut

Producers Cut beats out the Weinstein Cut. I enjoy this installment a lot. The whole Cult of Thorn adds to the mythos that is touched on in the first novelization. It definitely gives a bit of a tragic aspect to Michael as it shows he was fated for this. Plus Jamie doesn't go out like a chump. 

68 - Exorcist III

This was a huge surprise for me. It kept me on my toes throughout it's runtime. It's definitely one I'll go back to time and again. Plus Brad Dourif is so good alongside George C. Scott. 

67 - Brutal Massacre: A Comedy

This was a fun mockumentary. It delivers interesting characters. 

66 - Puppet Master 2

Reanimator called. It wants its juice back. This felt very much in that vein. Especially in regards to bringing back Andre Toulon. It also feels a bit like a rehash of the original.

65 - Puppet Master 5

If it wasn't for that fact that the film feels a bit disjointed from it's previous installment, this may have done better. It does have a sense of deja vu as it's ending repeats Part 4's all over again.

64 - Puppet Master

Psychics go to the Bodega Inn and encounter puppets that wish to kill them. Super simple story. But it's big thing is it laid so much groundwork for what the franchise would become.

63 - Retro Puppet Master

This gave us the origin of Toulon and his puppets. We get to see interesting steampunk takes on old favorites in a way. Yeah, it's the only entry to be PG-13. But it does a solid job tying different aspects of the mythos into a cohesive unit. 

62 - Superhost

This was another found footage/zoom movie. It definitely gave an interesting take on what it's like to be a content creator. It definitely makes for a nice double feature with Spree. 

61 - The Belko Experiment

Office Space meets The Purge. It's a very solid flick. Its bit more serious when compared to Mayhem. 

60 - Black As Night

This was definitely a new take on vampires. Especially as get to see New Orleans in a more modern light. Plus it is a bit of fun. 

There you have the first 35 entries in the Terror Chart. Stay tuned as I will dive into the next 35 soon. 

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