Friday, August 20, 2021

Inside 'Halloween Inferno': A Chat with Coleman Films

On Wednesday, I took a look at Halloween Inferno: The Boogeyman Cut. Its a solid sequel to Halloween '18. It also does a great job of expanding upon the world of the film. 

I had the opportunity of chatting with Coleman Films about the fan film.

What was your introduction to Horror?
Believe it or not, my earliest memories of horror are Michael Myers. Something about the
look and tone of the original film really affected us when we were kids. The iconic score mixed with the imagery of the character was something so powerful, it stuck immediately.

How did Coleman Films begin?
ColemanFilms began with James and Vince Coleman, Alessandro and Stefano Korlou at 10 and 11 years old. 

As kids James and Vince had an obsession with Michael Myers,
we had the mask and our friends had the camera, so we thought hey let’s make a movie!

It is funny looking back on it , but our first film ever was a Halloween film. Halloween Inferno is almost like a promise we made to ourselves as kids that one day we would make something so awesome people would have to take notice.

Where did the inspiration for Halloween Inferno come from?
The inspiration really came from a love of the character, and what we thought the franchise could be capable of, had it been given the proper care. 

The remake came out when we were young and it was a far cry from what true fans wanted. Our dream was to one day be at the helm of a studio funded Halloween film. 

After 2018 was released, we
thought, “What are we waiting for, lets just do it ourselves”.

This was originally released in three sections. What led to that decision?
To put it simply. We did not know what kind of reception it would get, or if anyone would care at all. 

We did the first part as a fun project to get our old gang of friends together.

After it was released we started getting bombarded with messages and requests for more. A few fans generously donated to help us fund part 2. We attempted to crowd fund
for part 3 but were not as successful as we hoped to be. 

Luckily both James and Vince are thick headed and we pushed onward and made part 3 with what we did raise, we just had to rework some things in the script in order to fit the budget.

The Michael Myers mask at the beginning on Inferno, how did that come about?

We actually took the 2018 mask to our good friend and special fx artist Michael Del Rossa and gave him a basic idea of what we thought it would look like. He began tearing out
hair and painting the mask, along with several other techniques until we had what you see in the film. 

This was far before any imagery or discussion of what Halloween Kills
was planning to do . I think it is cool we got pretty close to their design.

Later on Michael finds the classic mask, what led to the decision to include it?
We thought in the Halloween universe, the Michael Myers mask existed, as we see Myers stole the mask from a store in the original film. Maybe that is a frankenstein type icon in that universe, so it would not be too crazy to think that a trick or treater would have it. 

We wanted to incorporate a steadicam kill and we thought an interesting driving force for him to follow the couple would be spotting that classic mask. Plus, nothing
beats the original mask and we have not seen Michael in it for 40 years.

Inferno expands the world established in Halloween '18. Both in terms of the scope as well as the characters themselves. How did the decision come about to introduce these new characters? 
We decided to incorporate new characters for a few reasons. One being we do not have Jamie Lee Curtis and replacing her might come off as comical. That being said, I feel that Michael represents evil and evil can affect anyone. The element that really interested me was the aftermath. 

Introducing Lily and immediately hearing her father was killed is a strong way to bring her into Michael’s world. We wanted to make this film character driven. We wanted people to see Barker accept his negligence and become a hero in the end. 

We wanted to see the devastation that Michael Myers caused on more than just Laurie strode.

How has the response been to Inferno?
The response has been amazing, being an artist is filled with a lot of pain and heart break. 

Chasing a dream, no matter what it is never easy. To hear fans tell me I inspired them or that they loved my work is an incredible feeling. And I could not be more thankful to the people who have supported me.

Is there an interest to return for a Part 4? Or a sequel to Inferno?
Is there an interest for a part 4? I will see this…. you can’t kill the boogeyman.

What's next for Coleman Films?
We are about 85 percent done with an original feature film. Keep a look out for that. It takes all the things you loved from Inferno and incorporates them into something completely new and unique.

Check Out Halloween Inferno The Boogeyman Cut on YouTube.

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