Friday, August 20, 2021

31 on 31 For Halloween - Day 1: "Ghostface"

Hello everyone, welcome to 31 on 31 for Halloween. This is a new installment here at The Blue. As of today, there are 31 Monday, Wednesday and Fridays till Halloween (which falls on a Sunday this year). This is my way of celebrating that wonderful news. 

I thought I'd kick this off with a shout out to a fan film from a few years ago. "Ghostface" from Brandon Tobatto is available to view on YouTube. With the 25th anniversary of Scream this year, I thought this would be a fun revisit as well. 

Now, ladies and gentlemen, this review will be spoiler free. I do not wish to spoil anything that is contained in the film. It is something that I strongly believe in as I wish everybody has the experience of going into the film not knowing what will happen next. Without further ado, I present my review of Ghostface.

The film's opening is one of its strongest moments. It sets the tone of the material, as well as establishing the threat of this Ghostface. It may have felt a little like an homage to a cold opening for a Saw film. But that only strengthens the material.

It is here that we are also introduced to the new look for Ghostface. It is a very striking image with this new mask and those black tears that look as if Ghostface had been crying. The new weapon for Ghostface is definitely an upgrade from the previous knives. It is bigger and able to do more damage. This is a Ghostface that isn't taking anything lying down. He means business.

After the opening, we continue the journey of Ghostface as he tries to uncover the truth and the answers to his questions. He is on a mission.

The strength of this film is that it is the next logical step for the franchise. This is exactly what everyone may be looking for after Scream 4. There have been talks and rumors of a Scream reboot. But, I'm pretty sure that people are more looking forward to something like this. It's establishing that it cannot have a reboot without facing the past first.

Brandon Tobatto gives a strong performance as the voice of Ghostface. The other actors all give strong performances as well.

The only drawback is that it is only 20 minutes long. It left me wanting more. It's the beginning step for the next story. There had also been some things that would been nice to see in flashbacks, but were unable to due to budget and casting.

It respects the franchise and is a love-letter to all that has come before. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Follow Brandon Tobatto on Twitter

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