Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Such Sights To Show You: Hellraiser Judgement - 10/11/22



 Hello everyone, Welcome back to Such Sights to Show You. I know it has been a little bit since we've last opened the box. However, I thought that before we even talk about the new film that released over the weekend. We have to finish our business with at least Judgement. Deader and Hellworld are ones that still have yet to see. They aren't available to stream and a bit of a problem to track down so far. I remember seeing them during a SyFy marathon when they were originally released. And I remember them not being very good. I mean considering that Deader at least has a bit more going for it. It has a unique concept at least. But it recycles some elements that we have seen already in this franchise. How many times can we see a reporter or detective going down the path and encountering the cenobites? Hellworld could have been even more of an interesting take if they had doubled down on the video game aspect. Instead, it's something that is mentioned than thrown away to the side. Both of these films weren't originally Hellraiser films. Guess that's kind of the way this franchise works. 

    After Revelations failed to land a success, it was another 7 years till we'd see Pinhead once again. This brings me to Hellraiser Judgement. Judgement is another film that could be considered to be made just to hold the rights. It's very evident when Weinstein did their best to hold off releasing the film for so long. It has been mentioned before that Judgement was just sitting on the shelf for a little bit. 

    Judgement was written and directed by Gary J. Tunnicliffe. For those that have been keeping up with this retrospective, you'll remember that Tunnicliffe has a history with the franchise. He had helped with the special effects going all the way back to Hell on Earth. He had filmed a short that chronicled Pinhead in his last days. What would that look like? That is something that is an extremely interesting concept. It also served as a proof of concept that Tunnicliffe could handle the series. As far as I know, I believe that there was some good response to that short film. So, it was naturally okay to see Tunnicliffe get to helm an installment. 

    Judgement is an interesting film. Yeah, once again it does handle a small repeat of Detective following a killer and down the rabbit hole to the Cenobites. However, I would say that this manages to work at least a little better for me than Inferno did. While Inferno was more inspired by David Fincher's Se7en, I would say that least the detective element is tied to SAW. 

    One thing is very evident. This is a Hellraiser film. It was written to be one right from the get go. There's no back pedaling and shoe horning PInhead into the film. I can definitely give it some props for that. The whole storyline involving Pinhead is pretty interesting. In a first, the world is expanded upon with the introduction of these Hell Houses where individuals would encounter the Auditor. The Auditor is a character that could be considered to be Hell's Accountant. They put individuals on trial and then judge them. Typically, it results exactly how you'd imagine. If I was just given that brief description and mention before going into the film, I'd be okay. 

    But this film goes into an incredibly disturbing and disgusting places. It's at this point I will say that Judgement is not for the squeamish. You will see some shit that can turn your stomach. If that kind of stuff wasn't in the film, it'd be interesting. Instead, I find myself extremely repulsed and ultimately questioning why it was even in the film. Who was that aspect of the film for? 

    The fact that Heaven and Angels are introduced is pretty big as well. It definitely opens up the world in a bit of a fresh way. If this was what they had focused on, it'd been more compelling honestly. Instead, we are given small snack bits and then it's done with. Why couldn't we have focused more on this element?

    Instead, we are treated two detectives tracking a serial killer. There's a new cop that's assigned to work with them. It goes yada yada yada. Second verse same as the first, but a whole lot worse. That's honestly how I'd describe the Detective story. It was unneeded. It was a complete retread of Inferno in a way. Still, treated to characters that are unlikable. Why can't we get a Hellraiser film where we actually have characters that may relate to? Why do they always have to be assholes? Why are they always so damn unlikable? It's honestly so damn infuriating at this point. 

    Then, we have more of Pinhead. Pinhead's just a bit of biding his time. He's sitting on his throne ruling Hell. Besides that, the Auditor receives most of the screen time. It just leaves things feeling rushed and unneeded. Least with Revelations, we knew exactly what we were getting. Instead, I remember the bit of hype up to it. People were preparing to hail it as a return to form for the series. Then, we were delivered the film. 

    Hellraiser Judgement had a small glimmer of hope. The non-disgusting bits of the hierarchy of Hell and such is interesting. However, it's lost in a retread of Inferno. So much so, that before you know it it's over. And we are left with a cliffhanger that'll never be resolved with Pinhead sent back to Earth to live as a human. In one sense, it reminds me a little of the Boom Hellraiser comics. If you haven't checked out those, I'd highly recommend it. A better story than what we were given here. 

Rating: 2 out of 5. 

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