Friday, October 28, 2022



    Good Morning Everyone! I hope everyone's having a fantastic Friday so far. Here we are at the tail end of October. The Spooky Season has come and gone so damn quickly this year. It's absolutely shocking. It just feels like yesterday was August. It's been a bit busy round here. Thank you for bearing with me as I've been uploading when I can. I'm still hoping that one day that can make this more than just a simple hobby. 

    Earlier this year, we received SCREAM. It was a huge success. It reinvigorated the Scream franchise under the watchful eye of the Radio Silence crew. I was absolutely ecstatic when I saw it and excited for what the future holds for the franchise. 

Sadly, I was also this way when Scream 4 was released. Scream 4 however wasn't the success everyone was hoping it'd be. It played things a bit too close to the chest. It was a small bit of a retread. Though in the years since, it's actually a wonderful play on remakes. But back then, there were quite a few fans that were not necessarily happy with how things went. 

Cman710 is one of those fans. He took it upon himself to craft an alternate take on Scream 4. It was a really solid take. It then led to few more installments that focused not on Jill - no, we got more time with the character of Trevor. This version of Trevor was brilliantly explored through these installments. I honestly cannot recommend checking those out enough. (Check him out on Twitter) 

Then there was always that little voice asking 'When's Hollywood going to try to reboot the franchise? Would it be a remake? Or would it pick up after 4?'. It always led me wondering what the hell a remake could potentially even look like. I love this franchise. It was very much my Friday the 13ths growing up. So, I understand that the talk of a remake is very iffy. Especially when you consider all the successful horror remakes that we got and no I'm not looking at you Elm Street 2010. You go back to your corner and think about what you've done. (Though, there's a very wonderful fan script out there that gave a better idea of how an Elm Street remake could have worked). 

Imagine my absolute surprise when I discovered Cman710 had also wonder the same thing. There is a whole Scream reboot trilogy that was made. I immediately sought those out and gave them a read. I'm always interested in the prospect at how something could be reimagined. Safe to say, it's solid. I don't want to go too far into spoilers for these three. Or at least the first and third ones, sadly the second one had its ending lost. But the characters that were chosen to follow were fantastic. It honestly spins things in a pretty wonderful direction that I never saw coming. 

At this point, it may seem like I'm ranting. In order to talk about Scream Louder, I had to talk about what Cman710 has done so far in this sandbox. 

With those initial three fan scripts, Cman710 established a solid foundation. Scream Louder takes everything that worked and takes it to the next level. All the characters, returning and new, get their time to shine. The way that the story is paced out is fantastic. It honestly doesn't overstay or underwhelm. I honestly found myself disappointed by the time it ended because I wanted more time in this world. That's how much I grew to enjoy these characters. 

Ghost Face in this whole series has managed to relatively play it a little safe. It kind of was what we had come to expect. However with Scream Louder, it's different. Ghost Face is more menacing. It still felt close to what we have seen, but then things get ramped up to 11 in a whole new direction. The kills are also one step further as well. 

One thing is absolutely clear is how much love and passion has gone into these. Each of these scripts also have a different flavor. The first one is very much the original. The second one has a bit of a 'I Still Know What You Did Last Summer' vibe to it. The third would have to be a bit more in vein of 'Scream 4'. And then with Scream Louder, it's has a bit of a My Bloody Valentine flair going for it. 

I definitely know that with how much the bar has raised for fan films, I would love to see these scripts turned into fan films someday. 

I know this may seem a bit light in terms of a review. But again, I don't wish to spoil this experience for people. I highly recommend checking it out when it releases this Halloween.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5. 

*I received Scream Louder as a member of the beta reading that was set up. The version that was handed out wasn't necessarily the final version yet. So think of what I saw as a test reading like a test screening.* 

Check out Cman710 on Twitter

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