Thursday, August 25, 2022

We're Back!


    Hello everyone, How's everyone been? I can say that it's been an interesting few months here. When I decided to take a break it was cause things were beginning to become a little overwhelming. I was doing my best to try and stay focused on so many things at once. Being there for my family, being a good husband, taking care of a small farm with all the animals it comes with (3 goats, 50 chickens, 3 dogs, and 5 cats). It was all very overwhelming. I was also dealing with getting used to my dentures. It was good that got them, but it was a little difficult getting used to them. Believe me when they say it takes awhile, they aren't kidding. 

    Things were getting back on track. Everything was looking on the up and up. Then we all ended up getting COVID. That honestly knocked the wind out of me. Having had it twice now, the first time I was so lucky to get the small symptoms. This time, it was just absolutely bad. Thankfully, we all managed to make it out safely. During my time with COVID, I was able to watch some movies from TUBI. Yes, I'll be doing some reviews for them as well. So stay tuned for that. 

    For those that haven't heard the great news yet, I was able to get a Chromebook finally. So now I am able to handle things in a more professional manner. No longer will I have to be typing up reviews on my phone. It was nice having that available to me. However, it is something that I am glad to now have the Chromebook. On the plus side, it means that I'll also be able to use my phone for more things like reading books. Woo! 

    Today, we also received news that Hellraiser is going to be released on Hulu on October 7th. As of right now, there was a 15 second trailer to help whet the appetites and get people to start talking. I haven't checked it out yet. I honestly don't know if I will. I think I'll let myself go in blind for watching Hellraiser. I've seen the original series and enjoyed it a lot. One of the things that been handling is all these ideas that I have. All the movies I would like to review or all the books I'd like to read. I'm not exactly a fast reader - so bear with me on book reviews. I've been trying my best to figure out the plans for content. I have a notebook that has things planned out for August, September, and October. However as with the nature of things, I tend to change things up as I'm trying to find my rhythm. 

    At this point, I'm pretty positive and confident that I'll be able to hit my stride and rhythm. With having the Chromebook, it's definitely a game changer. Earlier I had tweeted asking what would be good for September. I am happy to announce what the schedule will be for September and October. 




Orphan: First Kill


Ghoulies II


Hulu's Hellraiser

Halloween Ends

Stephen King-tober

    Thank you everyone for all the warm welcomes back. I am thrilled to be back. And super excited to see what the future holds for BlazinBlue's Review. 

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