Friday, May 13, 2022

Who's Laughing Now: A Look At EVIL DEAD: The Musical

Alright you primitive screw heads, listen up. It's Friday the 13th. But not only that, it seems like the deadites have claimed it as their day. Poor Jason. But on a better note, it means it's Evil Dead: The Game day. So happy Evil Dead Day!

As of right now, I haven't been able to get the game. It's okay, I get to spend my Friday the 13th at Camp Crystal Lake with F13th: The Game. But I thought I'd celebrate by talking about another piece of the Evil Dead franchise. 

No, this isn't going to be a look at Ash Vs. Evil Dead. That will come later. Nah, we going to look at The Musical.

Evil Dead became a musical back in 2003. If you had told me about it, I would been like what? How could Evil Dead work as a musical? There's no way that it could. 

Safe to say, it works. It works really well. I have seen some other musicals in the past. One of the highlights would be Dracula: the Musical. It was something that completely caught me off guard. I was expecting something very light n musically. Nope, Dracula wasn't that. It had a solid rocking soundtrack. It was a good point on what it could be. But how the hell does this tie in to Evil Dead?

Well, thanks to a friend of the blog. I was able to see a video of a 2018 performance. Honestly, that easily shows how well it works as a Musical. Here we are in 2022, it's still going. There are still theaters around that are putting on the show. It's so great to see it still going so strong. 

To start off, this wasn't my first time seeing the Musical. I had the pleasure of seeing a 2006 performance of it. Back then, I thought it was okay. It was a bit rough. The music however is amazing. It's so damn catchy. So catchy that I'll still find myself humming certain ones while doing some things around the house. 

This 2018 production shows how far its come. It was incredible. The music was still there. Everything was working like gang busters. For those interested, it does blend the story of Evil Dead 1 and 2 into a pretty seamless story. It works so well. The actors and actresses that are in it fit extremely well. While watching, it's so easy to see how much love and passion does go into it. This isn't just some quick money maker. No, this is something for the fans. 

One of the best things is the actor playing Ash. I mean it makes absolute sense that they'd have to find somebody to deliver as it all hinges on them in a way. In this specific video, the actor leads the show so extremely well. It left me wanting to see more. And I'll always have more as I'll continue to listen to the soundtrack.

It's incredible how far Evil Dead has come. It's movies, comics, tv show, and a musical. Absolutely incredible. It brilliantly shows the staying power of this franchise that's been handled properly. And I'm excited to see where it continues to go. 

If you have a chance of seeing Evil Dead: The Musical, go do it. Don't sit on it. I'm sure it's an incredible experience to see in person. It's always my hope that one day I'll get the chance. But living in Michigan, it's kinda hard to do. Till next time.

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