Thursday, April 7, 2022

"Fear What You Will Become": Evil Dead (2013)



        Back in 2011, I remember hearing that there would be an Evil Dead remake. This was pretty big news for me as I am a big fan of the franchise. The original film was just a group of Michigan friends getting together and making a film. Pure guerilla filmmaking. That's one of the largest reasons why it works so well. It also is interesting as I consider it to be my own homestate horror hero. I know there are other films that take place in Michigan. But Evil Dead is just different. What made this news incredibly intriguing was that it wasn't from a horror movie site or anything like that. No, this news came from one of the big names of the franchise himself, Bruce Campbell. He was so thrilled during his two hour talk at Central Michigan University to announce the film. It is definitely one of my favorite memories. Especially as he had opened up the talk asking the quintissential question for Mount Pleasant, Michigan - "Where's the Mount?". 

    Immediately everyone was looking around at each other in shock. I guess the news of the upcoming film hadn't truly been announced yet. So this was pretty breaking news for us. "Before any of you ask, I can say that this won't be a remake that sucks. This is something that is going to honor the original.", Campbell continued. For me, that immediately began setting my thoughts at ease. I mean if Campbell himself strongly believed in what he was saying, who am I to question it? It's not like he's pushing for a big payday with it. Campbell doesn't really do that. That's why he's one of my favorite actors. He did his time and has done extremely well for a Michigander. 

    As time went on, I kept trying to have my ear to the ground to hear any news. Everything about it felt like it was pretty tight-lipped. Not exactly unfamiliar territory as we are once again in the dark with Evil Dead Rise coming soon. Then the first trailer dropped. I was on a break in between classes at my community college and killing time with YouTube. Immediately, I pulled up the video and watched it. This was a trailer that immediately made me smile. I cast aside whatever doubts I may have because it felt like Evil Dead. It felt like they were delivering on their promise of honoring the original. And honestly, that's something that's pretty huge nowadays as trailers can be set to be one way when the film is entirely different. Lookin at you, Morbius. 

    Being that I love this franchise so much, it's a given that I went opening day. It was around 7 o'clock when arrived at the theater and was seated. I went into that showing expecting not many people. I ended up in a showing with a packed theater. It was an absolutely fantastic experience. Many times through the film - the audience would be screaming or groaning. It was an absolute thrill ride. I had never had this kind of an experience before. Especially nowadays where each time I've gone is to an almost empty theater. I walked away from the film loving it.

    Evil Dead '13 was a film that feels very special. It was released at a time where the studios were open to taking risks and trying things. Even if it did mean taking a dip at remaking older films. But with Evil Dead, it worked. It definitely breaks away from the more humorous side of the franchise. And that's something that is a bit of a fresh air. The fact that the film features all new characters was something that also helped. It made it less about Ash and more about the horrors that happen in the Cabin. Don't get me wrong, I love the character of Ash. However, it felt like the story was largely Ash's at that point. And Evil Dead is something that can be more than just Ash. That is why I'm really excited for Evil Dead Rise. 

    With the more serious tone, it allows the horrors to be elevated. Does this count as elevated horror? Nah, I'm just kidding. It does give the film a more grounded approach. That is something that is extremely evident in the opening. We don't have a group of friends driving up to the Cabin. We just have a girl in the forest. We aren't given anything more to go on before she's taken captive by some people. Honestly, they wouldn't feel too out of place from Wrong Turn '21. From there, we are introduced to the girl's father. Him and the rest of this small group have her chained up and are trying to do something with her. My guess was that they were trying to contain the evil before it spreads. Ultimately, this whole sequence is something that feels like a cold opening that is incredibly independent from the remainder of the film. Outside of our group of characters cleaning up their mess in the basement. 

    One of the most successful pieces of this film is its characters. It doubles down on the idea of centering on a group of people - David, Eric, Mia, Olivia, and Natalie. Each of the characters feel a bit like they are a throwback to one of the original characters. However, its safe to say that they are not opposed to playing with audience expectations. For the most part of the film, we see David and Eric in roughly Ash and Scotty roles. But then it just comes out of nowhere as it reveals that our hero isn't either of these guys - it's Mia. Up till this point, Mia has been in a Cheryl role. But she just hits the point where she's had too much of this shit and is ready to fight back. It culminates in such a fantastic over the top way. The time that we are given to the characters we are able to understand them a little bit. There's some that feel a bit shallow. However with the Unrated Cut of the film, it adds some small moments. Which if I have to recommend a cut, I'll be recommending the Unrated Cut as everything they add just is icing on a cake. 

    Something that I noticed in this last watch was just how fast and furious the film is. It doesn't spare no time on setting everything up and letting things go. And once Mia gets possessed, I noticed that she's essentially the ground zero deadite. Each person has the 'evil' spread to them from her. That's something that is a bit different compared to the original. There's definitely one thing that I'm hoping for is we get an Evil Dead film where the Deadites have more personalities to them. Each one their own demon instead of this hive mind that feels like for each of the films. 

    Evil Dead '13 is an absolute fun ride. It's something that is nice to revisit. Fede Alvarez was able to make it their own and spin their own story. It doesn't feel like a retread of the original film. It feels like a wonderful companion to it. And that's honestly one of the reasons it works so well - it honors what comes before. After it came out, I was hoping that we would have seen more in this slice of the Evil Dead multiverse. But it's okay if it stays as a one-off. It's honestly one of the best horror remakes that we have had in years. 

Rating: 5 out of 5

Evil Dead '13 can be found on a 2 Disc Unrated Blu-Ray (recommend this one as it has both versions) on Amazon. 

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