Thursday, March 3, 2022

Streaming Originals: Vicious Fun (2020)


    Welcome back to Streaming Originals. Last time, we checked out Jeremiah Kipp's Slapface. It was an interesting film that had really struck a chord. It was a film that still left a lasting impression and has me asking questions. And I understand that it may not exactly be a film for everyone. I would definitely say that it worked a lot better than Antlers, which was also a solid flick. Today's film may be one that may appeal a lot better.

    Vicious Fun was written by James Villeneuve and directed by Cody Calahan. It was released in 2020 and eventually found its way to being a Shudder Original. It stars Evan Marsh, Amber Goldfarb, and Ari Millen. The synopsis for the film is as follows: Joel, a caustic 1980s film critic for a national horror magazine, finds himself unwittingly trapped in a self-help group for serial killers. With no other choice, Joel attempts to blend in or risk becoming the next victim.

    First thing I wanted to say is that I get the film is supposed to be a 'period' piece set in the 80s. But for the most part, it felt far from being set during that time. Everything seemed to be screaming 'modern-day'. But that's honestly a very small nitpick. It does have some elements of the 80s: the music and lighting at times. Well especially in the bar, it's very much screaming 80s. 

    Other than that, the film was a lot of fun. The whole idea of having a self-help group for killers is really entertaining. It allows one to come up with so many different fun ideas for a killer. I mean the variety wasn't lacking whatsoever in the film. And everyone brought a certain charm to their killers. The killers consisted of Bob, Carrie, Fritz, Mike, and Hideo. Honestly the big standout amongst the killers is Bob. He just has so much charm to his personality that it's kind of hard not to like him. He also manages to blend in with disguises extremely well. Fritz is a bit of a wild card. He felt very much in the vein of Joker from the comics and that's evident in his clown persona. Hideo is exactly what you'd expect: a samurai. I would say that Mike is this universe's take on Jason. He wields a machete and is massive. But instead of a hockey mask, he's sporting a welder's mask. 

    I honestly think one of the greatest aspects of the film is the character of Joel. In the beginning, we see him as someone that is entirely uncertain of himself. He's kind of just wading through life it feels like. He is absolutely not sure what he wants and lets others push him around. But over the course of the film, we see him come into his own a little bit. He's forced to finally figure out what he wants with the help of Carrie. It results in some fantastic chemistry between Carrie and Joel. And by the end, he's ready to help her. 

    When I had first watched the film, I honestly found the character of Joel to be very grating. He seemed like just a parody of what horror fans are. His mannerisms in the beginning were very awkward. I get that sometimes we can be socially awkward especially when we like someone. But it just was a bit too much. It took a second watching to begin to appreciate it more. It allows the chance to see Joel evolve and grow as a character over the course of the film. I honestly didn't think I'd be looking at the film in another light and realizing that it's a character piece. 

    The kills and gore in this film are exactly what you would expect. They all wonderfully play on what the 80s slashers were doing. Each one of the killers get a moment to shine. And Bob does do a mean impression of the pencil trick from Dark Knight. 

    This was a really fun film. It didn't take itself seriously. It is clearly a love letter to the genre. I know that by the end of the movie it sets itself up for a sequel. I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun to be able to explore this world again. If you're looking for a fun flick, give this a shot. 

Rating: 4 out of 5. 

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