Tuesday, March 8, 2022

LAMB (2021)


    Lamb. This was a film that I honestly had no idea or any expectations going into. I mean sure, I had a general idea of what the film was about. But honestly it's one of those films that even if you see the trailer for, it'll never prepare you for it. It's a film that I think one does have to see. It's a film that can show just how incredible the power of film can be. And I remember that first trailer, it was absolutely off the wall. It showcased that Lamb was a film about two people caring for a sheep with some unusual characteristics. That's the basic gist of what I got from it. When I had showed my partner, Mandy, the trailer. They were completely in on the film. They were ready to see it from the minute the trailer ended.

    However, we stayed away from any more trailers. We had seen the initial poster for it as well. But we were prepared to go into this film almost absolutely blind. This was one of those instances where I am absolutely glad that we did. It just caused us to go on a pretty powerful journey. I know that it was released on digital back in December, however it took a little longer for us to be able to see it. Was the wait worth it? Absolutely. 

    I could go on to summarizing the film. However, no. Lamb is a film that you'll either be intrigued just by hearing it described as "Two people taking care of a Lamb with unusual characteristics.", or you'll just shrug it off. It's not an easy film. Like I mentioned before, it's really not a film but an experience. Something I will say is that I'm absolutely astounded by what they were able to do with the film. I thought that the trailer was going to give away a lot of the film like they are known to do. I wasn't prepared to find out that was completely wrong. There is one very large piece of the puzzle that the trailer managed to keep hidden. And that was amazing. 

    I applaud this film for the character of Ada. This is our unusual lamb. I wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen. I just knew that for the first half hour to forty minutes, I was astounded. They had drawn me in and I found myself caring for the character. She is so perfect. She is so adorable. She is a character that you can't help but find yourself loving. 

    Noomi Rapace, Hilmir Snaer Guonason, and Bjorn Hlynur Haraldsson all deliver outstanding performances. In the first portion of the film, be prepared for a lot of quietness. There honestly isn't a lot of dialogue in the film to begin with. It honestly unnerved me a bit. Usually I am used to people just talking and lots of dialogues in films, however not in this instance. It adds a weird layer of eerieness while also a fairy-tale like approach. 

    Lamb is something that I never saw coming. It's a film that managed to shock me while also remind me of what film can be. Part of it felt not too far off the path of Pan's Labrynth. Another wonderfully tragic fairy tale film. It's something that I never thought I'd keep thinking about a few days after watching it. It's one that just continues to fascinate me as I try to think on some aspects of the film. It's a story of hope and loss. And before I knew it, the film had reached its ending. And what an ending of a film. 

Rating: 4.5 out of 5. 

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