Friday, February 11, 2022

The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007)


    Hello everyone, I hope that you are having a good week. I have returned today with a review that I've been working on for at least a week now. It's one that I had to spend some time thinking exactly what I wanted to say about it. 

    Last week, I had the chance to watch The Poughkeepsie Tapes over on Tubi. It's a film that I had heard a lot about. I mean the film had a bit of a reputation back in 2007. The film was set for release then and even had the trailers in the theater. But then, the movie was pulled. There were times over the years that the film would be released for a brief period of time. But ultimately, it would be pulled back into the abyss of Movie Limbo. It would be 10 years before the film would see release, but not by its studio. Shout Factory would release the film in 2017. 10 years. 10 years, The Poughkeepsie Tapes laid in Movie Limbo. People would talk about The Poughkeepsie Tapes and try to figure out why it was shelved. However, MGM would never say anything as to why it was keeping the film from audiences. 

    For me, it's safe to say that my expectations were pretty damn high. I mean a film that took years to be released, it makes one want to seek it out to figure out why. It just builds this mindset in your mind of what it'll be. I know I definitely thought about the film from time to time. There have been other films that have taken awhile to be released that I ended up seeking out as well - All The Boys Love Mandy Lane being a great example. Or take another example that's a little more closer to what The Poughkeepsie Tapes were trying to emulate - Cannibal Holocaust. That was a film that was pitched as actually happening and audiences believed it. Yeah, there were certain elements that they couldn't fake back when the film was made. But it was to the point where the director had to go before the Senate to say that it was just a film. 

    That may be potentially giving The Poughkeepsie Tapes a bit too much credit. But I hope that at least illustrates the point that I'm trying to make. A film that is able to build such an atmosphere and tone that many may believe is real. That's something that I believe The Poughkeepsie Tapes was trying for. And honestly, that may be a reason why MGM shelved the film - not believing that audiences were ready for such a take on a film. And back in 2007, it may have been the case. 

    In 2022, The Poughkeepsie Tapes is a film. It's something that many may find creepy and unsettling. It centers on a series of tapes that were discovered by the FBI. These tapes chronicle a serial killer's work. Each of these tapes do happen to be a bit more unsettling than the last. All of this is provided in a mockumentary format of a true crime show. Honestly, this format does feel very close to what we see now on these kinds of shows. It adds another layer of creepiness to it. 

    After so many years of wondering about The Poughkeepsie Tapes, I don't know how I feel about it. At first, I found myself disappointed by the film. It wasn't what I had expected. I didn't find myself creeped out by  the film in the slightest. It just lacked a punch for me. But I mean how could it? I had spent time building it up in my head. I had the same result with The Exorcist. If the film had been released in 2007, it would have hit its mark for me. 

    But I cannot say that I don't respect it. It is very bold. It doesn't pull its punches. It honestly never second guesses itself. It knows exactly what kind of film it's trying to be. It's also something that will lay in the History of Film like Cannibal Holocaust. But probably not for the way that the filmmakers intended. It'll be because of the long time it spent in Movie Limbo. 

    If you are a fan of True Crime stories, there's a high chance you may be intrigued by it. Unfortunately for me, it just didn't hit the mark. However, you may get something out of it that I didn't. That's the beauty of film. It's all up to the viewer and the experience that they go on with a film. 

The Poughkeepsie Tapes can be found on Tubi.

Rating: 3 out of 5. 

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