Tuesday, February 15, 2022

It Came From The Dollar Tree: The Final Girls (2015)

    Hello everyone, whose ready for more It Came From The Dollar Tree? First, I want to say thank you all for showing so much support for this series. This was a series that I thought would be a fun one, especially after seeing all the available titles at Dollar Tree. I also seen a few people mentioning that they had picked up one of the films and then went on to regret it. So, I thought this might be a good way of taking a look at the films so that I could maybe help someone that was on the fence about a film. After I released the second installment, I dropped a poll on Twitter. I haven't figured out how to do polls for Facebook or Twitter yet. So follow me on Twitter to participate if you're interested in voting for a future installment. The results of the poll were pretty darn conclusive and The Final Girls was the winner. But stay tuned as the runner up, The Devil's Candy, will be featured next. 

    The synopsis for The Final Girls: "When Max (Taissa Farmiga) and her friends reluctantly attend a tribute screening of an infamous '80s slasher film that starred Max's late mother (Malin Akerman), they are accidentally sucked into the silver screen. They soon realize they are trapped inside the cult classic movie and must team up with the fictional and ill-fated "Camp Bloodbath" counselors, including Max's mom as the shy scream queen, to battle the film's machete-wielding, masked killer. With the body count rising in scene after iconic scene, who will be THE FINAL GIRLS left standing and live to escape this film?".

    The Final Girls was a film that was released in 2015. It was a film that I had heard a little bit about because the buzz was that it was good. Now I tend to take things with a grain of salt when I hear good buzz because films are an interesting beast. One person may come to love a film that another may find it missed the mark for them. It's honestly depends on the experience a person has with the film. So in my experience, I find it better to go into films with an open mind. And that's what I did. 

    This film is fun. Absolute fun. Whenever I'm in a bad mood and need to change my attitude, I turn this on. If I'm bored and unsure of something to watch, I can turn this on. This is a film that is just so damn rewatchable. I have seen it a lot of times and I still find it's because this is a film that is certain of itself. It is an absolute love letter to the genre. I mean come on, look at the slasher that is featured in 'Camp Bloodbath'. It's 100% a take on Jason Voorhees. It wears its inspirations on its sleeve in such a beautiful way. The more that I think about the film, I keep thinking back to Airplane!. That was a film that is still an enjoyable film to watch with tons of rewatchability. This is the horror genre's Airplane. 

    One of the major reasons why this film works so well is its cast. Taissa Farmiga, who you may know from American Horror Story. She is so lovable in this film. You can't help but feel for her when she's dealing with the loss of her mother. And then the way she is called to arms over the course of the film is incredibly strong. Alexander Ludwig gets to play against type. Typically, he would be played as the love interest that's a bit of a jock. In this film, he is the love interest but he's a complete goof of a character. It's great seeing him getting to exercise some comedic chops. Alia Shawkat is so fun to see play off of Farmiga. The chemistry of their friendship shines through so well. Nina Dobrev gets to show a slightly different side than we are typically used to from her. She gets to be a little more bitchy, but its because she's afraid of letting people in. Malin Akerman delivers such an astounding performance, in my opinion. In the beginning of the film, she's so earnest and wanting to do right by her daughter but unsure of how to go about giving her that best life. Then the film flips the script with her second role and it's interesting. There are many layers that are given to that character over the course of the film to see her develop in a way where she cares so much for Farmiga's character. They really are the heart of the film in a fantastic way. We also have Adam Devine and Thomas Middleditch. Both of these guys are just fun when they are on screen. They are enjoying so much chewing the scenery. Honestly if the film's cast had been changed one little bit, it may not work as well because this cast is such an ensemble. 

    Yes, the film is PG-13. That's one of the things that I have seen some people complain about. I think this is another of the film's charms. The way that it just plays everything against expectations makes it so unique. There's not really any gore in the film and that's okay. That's honestly not what it's about. So if you are looking into the film for gore, go check out something else. But if you check in the gore expectation at the door, you may come to love the film.

    At this point and time, I have to say that I love this film. I would definitely recommend it. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and check it out. 

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