Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Streaming Originals: A Classic Horror Story (2021)


    Welcome back everyone. I am happy to say that there has been a tremendous positive response to my diving into the Netflix Originals horror films. There was even someone that reached out asking if I had dove in far enough to recommend films and which ones to avoid. It left me thinking about things for a little bit. When I first started this Horror Review, I started with a small independent film - Weird Fiction. If you haven't checked it out, I recommend it and it can be found to purchase from Amazon and stream off of Tubi. I had a passion to highlight the indie horror scene. As time began to pass, I began to look more into older films that I hadn't seen or a little more mainstream films. Those weren't bad ideas to do. But it felt like something was missing. When the question came up of what to recommend and what to avoid, it became quite clear that it's a bit of a niche area that isn't covered as much. My friend Fred, of Fred's Horror Corner (go check him out over on Youtube), recently went back to a back to basics approach for his stuff: he is now highlighting more of the found footage genre. So over here, we will have some of the mainstream horror from time to time. But this here is the beginning of things with the new series, Streaming Originals. 

    The goal of Streaming Originals will be to highlight the horror films that are available on Netflix, Shudder, Hulu, Prime, Tubi, and Paramount+. As of this writing, this will be my third review in this new series. I hope you enjoy and onto the review. 

    Today, I had the pleasure of continuing my dive into the horror films offered by Netflix Originals with A Classic Horror Story. It is an Italian horror film. 

    When I first started the film, I wasn't sure what to think. It immediately throws off guard with its opening moments. Looking back on the film though, I have to say that I strongly appreciate this opening. It delivers on the gore and a tense atmosphere. It's a bit of a snuff piece. But in the overall context of the film, it makes complete sense. 

    After that, we are introduced to our group of characters. Elisa is on her way to her parents' home. She's a bit unsure of whether or not it's the right decision. This decision leads her to Fabrizio the travel blogger's carpool. Joining them on this ride is Riccardo, a doctor, and a couple - Sofia and Mark. As night draws near, they encounter an animal in the road. Naturally, they swerve to avoid but find themselves crashing into a tree. When they come to their senses in the morning, they discover that they are no longer on the road but in a clearing surrounded by forest. The only landmark near them is a rustic wooden cabin. 

    This is a film that may not be everyone's cup of tea. There will be some people that find it to be very good. And there will be some that won't get very far into it. It is a bit of a slowburn. Honestly, that's not a bad thing at all. This film was really great. Each of the actors and actresses delivered solid performances. I found myself actually worrying about some of the characters. The way the film is structured is pretty brilliant. It boldly points that the story is going to go in one direction and then pulled the rug out from under me. As the film came to a close, I was left with my mouth hanging open. This is a film that is not afraid of being unique. This is a film that is very sure of the story it wants to tell. And I love the Italian lore that is at the forefront. I was very prepared for it to end in one distinct way. 

    For the most part, A Classic Horror Story was a bit subdued in its gore. It has its opening moments and a few here and there. But for the most part, its subdued as it delves deeper than just being a complete gorefest. The themes of this movie absolutely hit in a way that I never imagined it would. 

    Overall, A Classic Horror Story is a very unique story. It definitely stands out amongst the crowd very proudly. I applaud the way it subverted my expectations. While it may not be for everyone, if you are able to stick it out - you are in for a ride. 

Rating: 4 out of 5. 

A Classic Horror Story is available on Netflix.

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