Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Streaming Originals: Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight (2020)


  Hello everyone, I am here today with a look at another Netflix Original that happens to fall in the slasher genre - Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight. Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight is a film that feels like a solid love letter to the genre. It wears its heart on its sleeve. When I had looked up for more information about the film, I discovered that the cast and crew of it had said that it's the first Polish slasher movie. If this is the case, that's a pretty impressive title to wear. What is true is that it was the first Polish movie released from Netflix. 

    Now, Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight focuses around a group of teenagers that go to camp. However, this isn't just any old camp. No, this is Camp Adrenaline that focuses on being completely offline. This means that the campers have to surrender whatever electronics they bring with them: phones, tablets, probably iPods. This is actually a pretty interesting idea for a camp. It brings things back to basics while also illustrating right away why the characters won't be able to just pull a cellphone out of their back pocket to call for help. Each of the campers have a reason as to why they were sent there. But for the most part, it's because they let the electronics and such control their lives. A group of campers go on a hiking trip into the woods for an adventure they never expected. 

    This is a pretty solid film. It clearly was utilizing a lower budget than what most films do. But honestly, I feel like it's something that adds to the film's charm. While I was watching the film, I couldn't shake the feeling that this felt in the same vein as Adam Green's Hatchet. That's fine with me because I love that series. All of the characters in this film definitely feel of the part. What I mean is that it didn't feel like a group of mid-20s to early 30s trying to play teenagers. Each one of them is pretty likeable as well. The film allows a few minutes here and there to develop the characters into more than just being one dimensional. So as the film progressed, I found myself wondering exactly who it was that was going to make it through - if any did. 

    There is a bit of gore in this film. It's not completely balls to the wall gore. But it's more restrained and used in certain circumstances. That's something that definitely adds to the film. It knows how to use its budget really well. I would say that there's a moment or two that definitely feels like something that won't be forgetting any time soon.

    As I move onto the slashers of this piece, I have to say that I was pretty impressed with this aspect. It could have been incredibly easy for a film to just roll its eyes and present a generic slasher. Anything could have worked. I mean look at Friday the 13th, we been doing that with Jason for years. What would make it stand out amongst the crowd? Well, this film beautifully manages to answer that with not just one slasher but a pair of twin slashers. They aren't really given a name during their backstory. But just call them Twin 1 and Twin 2. Both of these are super distinct. The way that they are shown visually in the film is something that I sure won't forget. In one sense, it feels like a nice callback to Wrong Turn's family. Another sense, it's a pretty creepy portrayal of body horror. And the backstory for these Twins is just absolutely fantastic. It's completely layered in a fantastic mix of science fiction (with a Blob homage) and horror. There is a super amount of tragedy that comes from it as well. 

    Overall, I loved Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight. It just hits all the right notes for me. It captures the essence of what VHS horror films used to be. Honestly if you had told me that this was just a lost VHS film from the bygone era, I would believe you. It's a very charming film that oozes in a distinct uniqueness. And I cannot wait to return for a second viewing and to check out the sequel. 

Rating: 4 out of 5. 

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