Saturday, October 23, 2021

A Closer Look at 'Slumber Party Massacre (2021)': A Chat with Director Danishka Esterhazy (Spoilers)

Hello everyone, hope everyone has had a good few weeks. So who watched SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE (2021)? It had a successful premiere over on SYFY. And it's available now to buy digitally. 

If you haven't checked out my first chat with director Danishka Esterhazy, you can check it out. Today, I am happy to share the second half. Now it says in the title that this will be spoiler filled, if don't wish for spoilers - turn away and check out the film. Okay, still there? Cool, you can check out the chat below.





The beginning of the film is fantastic. Like I had mentioned in my review, it felt in tone with how say the My Bloody Valentine from 2009 began. It's like a short sweet bite sized version of the original film. What was the decision that decided to set it in the early 90s as opposed to the early 80s? 

Thank you! We wanted that opening sequence to feel very retro. We had to move the date to the 90s so that Dana could be a young woman in 2021.

The Driller Killer Russell. Is there more to his story? He seemed a little one note in a sense. But again, that was done in the original as well. Is he just an escaped patient from an asylum?

There is a hint about our backstory in the Crime Bandits podcast that Dana is listening to in her first scene…

The second killer. This was something that I didn't see coming. The reveal was fantastic. It's nice cause it fleshes out Russell's backstory a little more. It feels like there could be more with his mother. Was that an homage to Friday the 13th? 

We were definitely thinking of Friday the 13th. And Psycho. And Carrie. Who doesn’t love a killer mom?

It feels similar to Pamela Voorhees. But in a funny way, could see those two being good friends and teasing recipes. 

I sense a short film in the making …

The bros over at the cabin.This was a fantastic thing that caught me off guard at first. It just adds a whole layer of fun to the film. Because we see what the girls view as a typical slumber party etiquette. But then when the girls see the guys, they manage to outdo them.

Reversing the gaze was a lot of fun. I wanted to poke fun at the ridiculous sexism of 80s and 90s horror. Because … sheesh!!!!

Also what were the guys going to do if they found Russell? Just say Hi? 

They didn’t have a great plan! And they didn’t really expect to find him. The just wanted to drink and fanboy together.

I also love that the guys end up calling two of them Guy 1 and Guy 2. That whole through line with the joke was so good. Were there names really Guy?

That was Suzanne’s joke from the beginning! I was skeptical that the joke wouldn’t work. But it did! Always trust your writer.

The character of Matt. What is his deal? He seemed like a huge red herring for a bit of the film. It was to the point where I thought somehow he was going to be Russell's son. But I just can't stop thinking there's more to him going on than we see. Was he just some average bro?

Ha! I did hope that the audience would suspect Matt or John of being the killer. They are an intentional red herring. But, in the end, they are just bros.

There was also a moment or two that I thought maybe Dana would somehow turn out to be Russell's daughter. Especially after Dana's mom is reintroduced towards the end of the film with her interaction with Russell's mom at first.

Interesting! Nope. Russ is definitely not the Dad.

How was it getting to have a Battle of the Moms in a way? 

Super fun. Jennifer and Schelaine are both amazing actors. Smart, committed, nuanced. Working with them was a total blast.

Who is Dana's father? 

A man that Trish met several years after Russ killed her friends. Dana’s dad was in one of the earlier drafts of the script but we later cut him out. Decided that Trish was now a single mom.


Thank you everyone for checking this out. This has been a great experience getting to chat about the new Slumber Party Massacre. This was my first big film that I had the chance of officially covering. Never thought I'd get the chance to do so and am super grateful for. Check out BlazinBlue's Horror Review on Facebook and Twitter

Coming up we are going to be closing out 31 on 31 for Halloween series. Who is excited for that? We also have some great stuff coming up as well. So stay tuned and come on back.

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