Wednesday, September 29, 2021

31 on 31 for Halloween Day 18: It Follows

I remember when It Follows was released in 2014. It was a bit of a big movie. No one had seen anything like it at that point or ever since. It was just so pure in it's horror. And the world just took it all in. 
Looking back at it seven years later, it's weird. The film was a success. I mean it's budget was a million. It made roughly twenty three million. So why? Why didn't we ever receive a sequel? There could have been a sequel where they dived more into the lore of 'IT'. Honestly, can we please get a sequel? There is still much more to the story that can be told. 

Going back on track, the story of It Follows is so so simple. That may be why the film is unique and still so good. And definitely a film that don't want to see forgotten. 

For nineteen-year-old Jay, Autumn should be about school, boys and week-ends out at the lake. But after a seemingly innocent sexual encounter, she finds herself plagued by strange visions and the inescapable sense that someone, something, is following her. Faced with this burden, Jay and her friends must find a way to escape the horrors, that seem to be only a few steps behind.

Now, the sypnosis cannot express how creepy this film is. It is fueled in just tension that was featured heavily in 70s and 80s films. From the opening moment to the final shot of the film, I was livid with terror. I cannot explain why. 

It might be because the camera work in this film is like no other either. The camera will just linger on shots at times. The lingering just ramps the tension because cannot figure out what's going to happen next. Or to figure out where 'IT' is going to come from next. Thinking more on it, the camera work was very distinctly dreamlike. So then, it became a bit of a time to figure out if maybe it was actually a dream. Guess that's a good reason why this film is a psychological horror.

'IT'. The title force. What is it? We don't know. We are never fully given an answer as to what it is. Thats definitely why the film works so well. Because of the mystery of the unknown, it allows us to try and stay a step ahead. Or the very least figure out what are the rules. But the rule is simple: Stay moving. Don't look behind. Trust no thing.  There is also no set form for this force. It's so unsettling because we see so many different things represent it in the film. The most striking one I can remember is just this tall lanky man that was a bit of a behemoth just moving through the doorway after Jay. It's very quick and early on. It definitely set the tone.

Now, the actors and actresses are incredible. From the first moment, everyone in this film brings their A-game. You immediately have an idea of who these characters are. With a lot of them, I found myself liking them and quickly feared what was going to happen to them. If I had to compare the cast to that of another film, I would say it feels very Nightmare on Elm Street-ish. 

This is a film that doesn't come very often. I would definitely consider it to be a bit of a cult classic at this point. It's one that definitely hit with me as it's one I tend to revisit every once in awhile. Or if I find it on TV, I won't turn it off and just let it run. Its still terrifying and holds up so well. 

Rating: 4.5 out of 5. 

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