Saturday, September 18, 2021

31 on 31 for Halloween Day 12: Digging Up The Marrow

What if I told you that monsters were real? What if I told you that those noises you heard go bump in the night was in fact something? This is the approach that is taken in Adam Green's Digging Up The Marrow. Welcome everyone and join me as I continue my discussion for 31 on 31 for Halloween.
Digging Up The Marrow holds the distinction of being one of the Adam Green movies that is not attached to the Hatchet series. There are a few others (Frozen, Spiral and the Holliston series) that share that distinction as well.

Adam Green wrote and directed Digging Up The Marrow. He also takes takes a starring role in the film as this took a stab at found footage. It centers around Adam and his friend Will (played by Will Barrett), they are in the middle of making a documentary about monsters. One day, they are contacted by William Dekker (the fantastic Ray Wise). He tells them that he can prove that monsters are real. And that what they are searching for is the Marrow.

This film is fun. It doesn't take itself too seriously. It knows exactly what it's going for and how to do it. It moves at a really brisk pace. Ray Wise delivers such an amazing performance. He comes across as just so genuine and believes in this world. Adam Green also delivers a really great performance as a fictional version of himself. Honestly, the strength of this film is just the fun vibe that can be felt throughout the film. This just feels like it would have been really interesting to be behind the scenes of it. Everyone enjoyed making this film. 

When you have a movie about monsters, there's gotta be monsters right? The really cool thing is that they save the monsters for towards the end. It's like a buildup as the film moves along. And then it delivers spectacularly. They aren't shown on screen for very long. But when they are, it's very memorable. Plus the artwork that is featured in the film is super cool.

If you are looking for a fun flick to watch, give this film a shot. It is really cool and one hell of a kind. 

Rating: 4 out of 5

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