Friday, August 13, 2021

Welcome to Crystal Lake: Friday the 13th (2009)

Platinum Dunes. They began the remake wave that had flooded Hollywood in early 00s. They had a hand in bringing new takes on Texas Chainsaw Massacre that consisted of two films, the Amityville Horror and The Hitcher. Each one of these were largely successful. My favorite probably being The Hitcher. They took the original ideas and amped them up or reimagined them completely. At the time, it was my first experience with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 
After a few years, Platinum Dunes announced that they'd be working with Paramount and New Line Cinema to bring us a new Friday the 13th. I was excited about it. I had seen a couple of the Friday films, but hadn't seen all of them yet. So it was interesting to see what they would do. 

Well, for one, they gave us a Friday the 13th that may be considered the best in the franchise. This is a rollercoaster of a film. It covers a lot of ground in it's runtime. Even more so if you are watching the Unrated Extended Edition of the film. To some, it could even be considered a Greatest Hits of the franchise that remixes situations and events from the first four films.

The film opens with a black and white flashback to the night in 1979. The night that is so infamous in the original film. Alice is on the run from Mrs. Voorhees. Then they come face to face and Alice decapitates Pamela. Honestly I was a bit surprised they did this. It covers the original ending so fast and swift. That before the audience has time to think, it's already over. But the thing that is different this time around is the perspective of the events. With it being in black and white, it already even sets it apart from the rest of the film. I partially believe it as if it's Jason's memory of the events. As by the end of the sequence, we do see a young Jason picking up Mama's head and machete to exit stage right. And the idea that a young Jason didn't drown and was still alive. That was a small bit of a game changer with the lore. 

Next up, we are introduced to our characters in present day. They are hiking the Crystal Lake woods. They decide that it's time for a break and set up camp. It is here we get a fun recap of the Legend of Jason. Two of the kids decide to go for a walk to just get away and some air. They happen to uncover the remains of Camp Crystal Lake. Eventually, they happen across Jason and have to make a run for it. The best part or this film is that they are not shy of saying that not everyone will make it out alive. Quickly and brutally each of our characters are dispatched. Yes, there is a new take on the sleeping bag kill. And it is pretty awesome. 

This whole opening - it is a film unto itself. It gives you a beginning, middle and end to these characters. Short, simple, effective...the fact that only one character, Whitney, made it out alive sets the tone for what is to come. 

Now, we are finally introduced to our main group of characters. This is like a half hour into the film already. By this point, I can see why some people may check out of the film. It already set up things twice to quickly subvert expectations. Well, that and allow time to just let Jason do what he does best. Back to our group of characters - Trent (our weekend host), his girlfriend Jenna, Nolan and Chelsea, Lawrence, Chewie and Bree. They run into Clay, who is looking for his sister Whitney. There are quite a few characters. And all, besides Clay, fit the horror genre stereotypes. Ya know what they are, by now. So I'm not going to rehash. They've been roughly the same for so many years now. 

Trent is a complete douche. He thinks he's untouchable and can do no wrong. His whole plan for the weekend seemed to try to woo Jenna into sleeping with him - which was the whole reason he invited their friends to his father's house for the weekend. After his plan fails because of his mastery in douchebagness, Trent ends up hooking up with Bree. The whole purpose of Bree's character in this film is to be the easy one. 

Lawrence and Chewie. They are here to party. And smoke a lot. They are our stoners. Lawrence wants to become a rapper and picked the wrong weekend to join this band of misfits. Chewie just wants to enjoy life, make peace and smoke as much as he can. 

Nolan and Chelsea. They are super simple. Probably the most simple out of the whole group. They are just there. There's not much to their characters. And thats probably for good reason as they are the first to encounter Jason.

Jenna. Trent's girlfriend. However, she just gets sick and tired of his shit. She sees that he's a douche. Especially after they treat Clay badly because he just tried asking for help to find his sister. I don't think there's much more to Clays character either. He's a nice call back to Part 4. They go look for his sister together. Clay kinda makes eyes at Jenna as well. 

Then there's Jason. He grew up to be a bit of a woodsman. He is quick to punish those that step foot on his property. This take has a bit of smarts. He was able to create a series of underground tunnels and paths that span the entire campground. He also sets a few traps for his victims. He also is so quick and a unrelenting force. The times we see Jason run in this film are awesome. Plus he has some weapon skills - he could win an archery and axe throwing contest for sure. This is kinda what I was hoping for from a modern take on the character. 

The deaths in this film are pretty great. They definitely fit in with the other films. Some even going as far as recreating or amplifying previous deaths in the series. I would say that Jason using Lawrence to try to lure the others out, by leaving him with an axe in his back. That was pretty awesome. I think the most shocking death to me was Jenna's. I was hoping that she would make it to the end..however in the tunnels, she was unsuccessful. It was quick and unexpected. The same could be said for the Sheriff, as Jason drops down and stabs him in the head. The most fulfilling death, by far, Trent. Trent deserved it so much. He was a douche. He only cared for himself. He treated everyone like shit. When he was thrown onto the back of the tow truck, I cheered. Almost every time I cheer. 

Now, there's something that a lot of people have problems with. Jason keeping Whitney chained up and alive. Oh, but it goes against Jason's character. It doesn't. In Jason's mind, she reminds him of his mother. It makes sense that is why Jason would want to keep her near him. Because at this point, his mother's head had been decaying. So maybe he was beginning to forget what she looked like. Maybe with time, he was losing his mother. Losing the memories he had of her. So, with kidnapping Whitney, it reminded him of her love and of her. It kept those memories at the forefront of his mind. To me, this makes sense. 

Also, they created an awesome unmasked look for Jason. It is super creepy. They spent a lot of time on this concept it seemed. If they spent time doing it, why not show it off more. I get that we got bag mask and the hockey mask. These are both iconic looks for the character. However, the unmasked look that I have seen for this Jason. It surpasses both of those looks for me. It's a shame and a missed opportunity. Especially considering the most time we have seen this look is through photos, behind the scenes footage and the NECA figure. 

The actors and actresses all around did a fantastic job with the material. The largest standout is Derek Mears. He brings so much in his physicality and presence. He is so terrifying. It's a shame that this never received a sequel. I hope that whenever the legal battle is settled that we can see Derek return to the role. It's a character that he seems to love so much.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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