Wednesday, August 4, 2021

SCREAM 25: The Legacy of Ghostface

For 25 years now, Ghostface has been gracing many different forms of multimedia whether it was the films, the tv series or the Dead By Daylight chapter. It is such a definitive look for the slasher. Clean. Iconic. It was able to immerse itself into the pop culture zeitgeist with ease. 

The initial design is the one that layed the groundwork. It established itself with the sleek and simple design. It made sense since this was one that was supposed to be able to be purchased anywhere. In the first Scream, they even went on to call it the Father Death costume. This was a fantastic name for it as it helped evoke that feeling you get when you hear the word Death.  

After the first film was such a success, it felt natural that we would see more of Ghostface. To the point where we ended up getting Scream 2, 3, 4 and the upcoming SCREAM in 2022. With each film, they never strayed far from what came before. They were honoring the legacy that was being built. That's why there was no shake up in that initial design. 

The personality of the person underneath was what shined through. That's also a factor in why the first, second and fourth film have lots of replay value. To see if we can pick out who did what and at what moment. There were a few scenes where it was absolutely clear who did what. Never is this more evident than in the second film with Randy's death. All of those factors helped paint different distinct versions of the infamous slasher known as Ghostface. 

Next up, we were introduced to a different Ghostface altogether in Scary Movie. Some may not consider this to be a legit contender in the Ghostface Legacy. However, I do as the basis of Scary Movie is spent spoofing the Scream films. 

This Ghostface amplified the goofiness to a whole nother level. Yeah, the Scream movies show that there's a human underneath the costume that sometimes messes up (see Sidney's initial attack). But this was to Airplane level of absurdity. This allowed the audience to be in on the joke. Especially as we see the different takes on the mask throughout the film. This was a very fun way of allowing this Ghostface to express himself. Be it by stoned or the whazzup. This helped show how much of an impact Ghostface had on Pop Culture.

As time passed, there was word of the Scream tv series from MTV and then later VH1. It was known that this would be a whole new take on the material and world. Almost a reboot in a sense with the first two seasons. With the decision of a new take, it meant that there would be a new Ghostface. Enter Brandon James. 

This was a more unique approach. It allowed the chance to redefine Ghostface. 

Yeah, there are many that did not enjoy the series. I appreciated it for doing things differently. It allowed more time with the characters and in the world. Here, we weren't hindered to the 2 hr runtime. Everything was allowed the proper time to breathe. So, I applaud them for doing something differently. 

The new approach allowed a more organic version of Ghostface mask. It also gave a unique reason for it being different. The fact that it was designed to be a post operation medical mask - it was a realistic approach that helped ground the tone for this series. 

With the third season of SCREAM, it abandoned the cliffhanger of the previous season. Fans would be left wondering what happened. Personally, I was a bit upset when I finished it to find out it would never resolved. The studio had heard enough of the upset fans bashing of the show and decided that it would return to what worked. It would go back to more of a tone of the film series. 

With this return to form, it brought back what some people were clamoring for - the OG Ghostface mask and the return of Roger L. Jackson as the voice. This was a huge shakeup as it firmly transitioned the series into an anthology format. This was a more traditional take with Ghostface and the series. Honestly it felt as if it still took place in the world of the films. And unfortunately for the series, it was a last ditched attempt to right what they were seeing as a sinking ship. 

However, I still view both as viable entries to the legacy of Ghostface.

In 2019, the game Dead By Daylight was a massive success. It allowed a 1v4 format of playing out a horror movie as you controlled either the survivors or the killer.

However, there was a killer that felt a bit like Ghostface already - Legion. Legion allowed the opportunity to play as Ghostface lite to some but allow the killer to represent themselves as either a male or female variant. There were multiple masks that all settle themselves brilliantly into the motive that Stu had laid out - they did it cause it was fun. Each one of the masks had a different trait to them. It was fantastic. There are some that may not like Legion, however I loved it. 

And it's my personal head canon that they were inspired by Stu and Billy. It makes a lot of sense. It also can show the impact of Ghostface.

Then things changed when Behavior Interactive announced that Ghostface would be entering the World of Dead by Daylight. There were a lot of fans that were excited by this news. For me, I questioned it. Was this going to be Ghostface that we knew? Was this going to just be a cash grab? 

When Ghostface released, I was very surprised. This wasn't the original Ghostface and was not tied in any way to the film series of Scream. This was a completely new take on Ghostface. 

In the Dead by Daylight lore,

Danny Johnson, known as Jed Olsen by some, grabbed the newspaper from the kitchen counter: it was a week old, but his face was on the front page, grainy and sunken. It was one of those muggy afternoons in Florida when heat and humidity permeated everything in the kitchen, making him sweat while standing still. He slouched in a damp chair to read. This article had better be good—his work in Roseville had been outstanding.

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a modest and enthusiastic freelancer with experience in a variety of small newspapers. The staff at the Roseville Gazette appreciated how easy-going and honest he seemed, and so he was treated as a stranger for no more than five minutes into his interview:

"Jed quickly spotted the editor-in-chief in the room, gave him a wide smile and a firm handshake, and talked about good old American values. And that was it, he was in." —Ex-Contributor at the Roseville Gazette

Olsen never justified his erratic career path, which zigzagged between several small towns from Utah to Pennsylvania. There was no verification of his previous jobs. He had a decent portfolio plus a good attitude, and they needed a contributor right away.


Olsen had been working at the newspaper for five months when the Roseville Murders began: victims from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. From the reports, the victims seemed chosen at random, yet the killer knew his way around in the houses. The multiple stab wounds indicated a personal motive. No traces of DNA were found. The local police were confounded: the murders were carried with fury akin to a crime of passion yet coldly premeditated.

The murderer also liked to stalk his targets. Two victims had reported being followed on their way home by a dark figure, a few days prior their death. The killer would follow them from Walleyes, a small bar in Northern Roseville, and snap pictures of them at home, while looking for a way in. He could watch the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits and routines. When he felt the urge to kill, he'd visit the most vulnerable victim on his list, and break inside the house quietly.

The whole staff worked on the Roseville Murders story. Olsen was often sent to interview the family of victims and relay official statements from the police. Unknown to everyone at the time, his involvement added to the final body count.

Panic swelled in Roseville when Olsen produced footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. The masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the resulting article, written by Olsen. He seemed proud of his work at the time, enjoying how the whole town feared his ghost stories.

Weeks later, Olsen left a note on his work desk and disappeared:

"I hope you liked my stories--I enjoyed bringing them to life. Don't worry, I'm not done." –Jed Olsen

The Roseville law enforcement still refuses to comment as Jed Olsen remains at large.

Danny smiled, ripping out the article from the newspaper. When the investigation had been pointing to him, he’d packed his bags and left Roseville swiftly.

He got up, the clammy seat pulling his skin. An oppressive humidity engulfed him as he entered the bedroom. Condensation dribbled on a small misted-up window as bits of cracked wallpaper hung limply. Its floral pattern was covered with gruesome photos and newspaper headlines. Danny pinned the week-old article on top of a picture of lacerated scalps. A faint pang of hunger hit him, and he wondered when he had eaten last. Was it this morning, while washing his knife and clothes? Or was it last night, after following that girl down the street? He couldn't remember clearly.

Taking a step back, he admired his work on the wall. His mind drifted, remembering all the articles he’d written, the stories he’d planned, and the scenes he’d brought to life.

A shiver ran through him. A chilling breeze transformed the bedroom's humidity into an opaque, freezing Fog. A woman shrieked. Dead leaves crunched under his feet. He smiled in anticipation.

This was an all new character. The things I love about Dead by Daylight is the lore that they created. Each one has a very distinct story. They could easily be stars in their own films. And Danny Johnson's Ghost Face is another wonderful addition to the Legacy of Ghostface. 

Would I be interested in seeing more stuff with this version? Yes, absolutely yes. It is a completely new character that has so many possibilities and layers. For me, this is one of my favorite takes on the character. 

It's also interesting because there are many different cosmetics for this version. They add so much personality to Danny Johnson as a character. 

While the default is fantastic, it is a very nice modernization to the typical Ghostface look. It's one that feels more organic and handmade then something you would find in the local Halloween shop.

My favorite of these new takes is the Devil Ghost Face. It's better known as The Devil Incarnate. This feels like a natural evolution of Danny's character. It also helps show Danny's mindset that he is operating under now. He enjoys causing pain and suffering with his victims. With the Entity's gift, he has been turned into a Devil. Always present in the shadows, waiting for his next victim to sacrifice. 

Each of these incarnations are all valid. They bring something new and different to the Legacy. And it illustrates the strength and power of the character that we are able to have all these different versions. 

*The Ghostface design and title are owned by Fun World*

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