Sunday, August 29, 2021

31 on 31 for Halloween Day 4: Brutal Massacre A Comedy

Welcome back to 31 on 31 for Halloween. Last time, we took a look at Spookies. Such a film that is so absolutely bonkers you don't know what's going to happen next. Well, it left me thinking what film do I look at next. 

Today, I am here to talk about Brutal Massacre A Comedy. It was written and directed by Stevan Mena. You'll remember Stevan from the Malevolence films. 

Harry Penderecki, a once heralded horror auteur, finds himself on the outside looking in at Hollywood. He hasn't had a hit film in years, and most in the industry, including his close friends, think he's washed up. 

Harry is given one last chance to redeem himself with what could be his best or last picture. Brutal Massacre becomes just that, as the cast and crew find themselves battling one mishap after another as Harry struggles to keep his sanity against overwhelming resistance to finish the picture and find himself at the top once again.

This film is a bit of an underrated gem. It has a similar flair as Clerks, in my opinion. It probably helps that we have Brian O'Halloran in the film. Actually this film does have quite the cast. We have David Naughton (of American Werewolf in London fame) as the infamous Harry Penderecki. Gerry Bednob, Gunnar Hansen, Ken Foree and Ellen Sandweiss as members of Penderecki's production crew. Everyone delivers such a solid performance in this film. Is it gonna win awards? No. But the point is it's not supposed to. 

The key to this whole film is it doesn't take it seriously. It's shot in a mockumentary style. Kinda like Clerks meets Office meets a horror film production. Some of the things that happen in this film are very outlandish. However, there are some things that wouldn't be wrong seeing happen during production. And truth be told, there were some things that did happen during production of some of Stevan Mena's other films.  Well in Malevolence's production anyway. 

Overall, if you enjoy Clerks - you may find yourself liking this one too. I enjoyed it a lot. And a bit upset that waited this long to see it. 

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Brutal Massacre can be found on Tubi and available to buy from Amazon. 

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