Thursday, September 7, 2023

Welcome to My Nightmare: A Review of Dylan's New Nightmare

Hello all, it feels so good to be able to bring you a new review. A lot of things have happened during the hiatus. The biggest thing is that moved into a new house and set up a small farm. Also will be starting a day job as a substitute teacher. 

Back in 1994, I remember my mother coming home from the local video store. It was one of those days where I didn't have a say if I got to go or not. However, my mother was actually excited with what she had chosen. At this point, I had seen a few of the Elm Streets. The one that I remember vividly of watching continuously is Part 4 - The Dream Master. I had also rented Nightmare on Elm Street on the NES. This week's horror selection was Wes Craven's New Nightmare. When I was told that, I honestly didn't get it. I mean I was 6 years old. But then, she explained it had Freddy in it. 

New Nightmare quickly became one of my favorite entries in the Elm Street series. It was a welcome return from Wes Craven. It brought things back to its horror roots. It returned Freddy to a much scarier state than Freddy's Dead did. It also felt a little more grounded. But Wes being Wes, New Nightmare approached the series in a very meta light. One could say it was the prelude for what Scream would do for the genre. But between the parallels of Hansel and Gretel and Heather and Dylan, it just had so much heart to it. To this day, New Nightmare remains one of the big highlights of the series for me.

At this point, I do my best to cover all the fan films I can. I really love and appreciate all the hard work that goes into them. Here at BlazinBlue's Review, we've covered Never Hike Alone to It's Me Billy to Ghost Face. Imagine my surprise when I found out that someone had given us a new Elm Street fan film. But the cherry on top of it all was that it wasn't going to be a standard Elm Street fan film, but a New Nightmare fan film. 

I was absolutely ecstatic. I was through the moon. Then, I started putting up a slight guard. What if this couldn't work? What if this just didn't feel at-home alongside the franchise like Never Hike Alone and It's Me Billy did with their respective series. 

Never at one point though did I question if someone else could be Freddy Krueger. At this point, Robert delivered fantastic performances. All the problems I have with the 2010 film aside, I dug Haley as Freddy. It was just the not doubling down on things that still gets me with that film. But it helped show that Freddy is Englund's legacy not Englund himself.

Last Friday, I finally had time and powered on YouTube. It was time to see what everyone had been talking about. Plus, I was going to see Elm Street '84 at the local theater. So it felt like a natural way of just getting into the Elm Street vibe again. I have to say that I was absolutely impressed and won over. 

To kick things off, Dylan's New Nightmare was brought to us by YouTuber turned Writer/Director - Cecil Laird and Producer - Vincente DiSanti. It stars Miko Hughes reprising his role as Dylan Porter and has Dave McRae as Freddy Krueger. If you've been with BlazinBlue's Review for the journey we've been on, you'll remember that we've gotten to chat with DiSanti about Never Hike Alone. Honestly, everyone in this film, onscreen and behind the scenes, delivers. 

It honestly feels extremely natural for us to revisit Dylan Porter and see where his life is at after all these years. Especially given with the love of Hollywood producing legacy sequels for franchises. It also makes sense that he would be trying to make something of himself as an actor. The story being told is just fantastic. It honors what came before and feels like such a natural progression of the story. Sometimes, people try to deliver a sequel and it can feel a little off. Part of me would say I felt that way regarding Scream VI upon first viewing. It's like trying to recapture the magic and it's just not the same. However with Dylan's New Nightmare, it beautifully sidesteps into being a fantastic next chapter. 

Dave McRae as Freddy is fantastic. He delivers such a performance that feels so natural. Never once did I find myself wishing that it had been Robert in his place. This was a performance that felt very at home playing between 'Reel' Freddy and the 'Real' Freddy. The makeup also is so well done. It is Freddy Krueger in this film. The glove is also wonderful in the glimpses we are given. Though, I do wish there was a more close look at it. 

Miko Hughes is absolutely extraordinary. Growing up, I have had the absolute pleasure in seeing all his performances. He always delivers fantastic performances. And we definitely need more Miko Hughes in the genre. With this film, his performance as Dylan is nice. Its familiar with a lot more gravitas behind it. It kept my attention the whole run time. 

Now, I could go further with details about the film. But doing that would be a disservice because this is definitely a must-see. It's such a fantastic film that left me wanting to see where the story is headed. 

Score: 10 out of 10.

Go check out Dylan's New Nightmare on YouTube.

*Sorry for the formatting, produced on my phone.*

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Welcome to My Nightmare: A Review of Dylan's New Nightmare

Hello all, it feels so good to be able to bring you a new review. A lot of things have happened during the hiatus. The biggest t...